angst is dead.
too bad, for angst he has to pretend that he is dead.
here is my site during the apex. the peak.
of that episode.
now it has subsided. but still i would like to keep those shards of broken glasses. the dried blood.
here it is.
on the other side i am planning to put up another site, which is more of my recent stuff. not exactly about dark poems. but the mellowed and fermented stuff that i have been writing lately.
it will be called anak ng bayan... the political convictions and the statement of the Anak ng Bayan Catanduanes. hope to see you there
anyway i decided to keep this site (including the early poems and the amateurish prose) for posterity and to see how i have progressed aesthetically.
(:- (:-dale
I am what I write I write what I am the other side of me the real us which is you through me a clod like you has no right to berate anything in this site go away!
Paragon of Delusion a cornucopia of prose and a dash of verses.It is divide into several sections which got different colors and tones.Different sections which shows myriad of streaks of a rotten guy.A guy who calls himself Scythes who lives a wasted life, lived a tormented past and heading towards an uncertain horizon.
~DISSECTED ME~ this is the way I single out every morbid nerve and sad bones. Just like you would do with a formaldehyde treated cat only that I am a living cadaver.
~ICY DALE~a drab realization, on how this life makes me sink into ennui and to the gulf of cynicsm.
~VERSES BY THE STYX~words that flowed from the river of antipathy.
~VERSES OF ORCUS~to love death and be paranoid because of life.The knife and the guillotine combined to make my glorified way out.
~ACRIMONY~caustic bitterness , how it made me a devil in this hell.
~BLACK PAPYRUS~space for goths...mutation
~FALLEN ANGEL~ a page for cole, thoughts by her
~EMPTY~visual poetry...for my home
+ALTER EGO+ a lucid interval from the totality of self destruction.Lines that grew from scanty sunlight and rain, it flourished.
~ODE TO THE WORLD~a letter to the world who never wrote to me
~CEREBRAL JUICES~ a worthwhile opinions and views of Scythes the paragon
~THE PARADOX & THE ILLOGICAL~ rants and ravings on stuffs that make this life suck.I posted there some stuff about spirits and marijuana..
~WIRE ME~ our dark
~OFFAL~a web based landfill, a heap of inferior scrawls piled for you to scavenge.
This is a solace from the world heat for my half dead life color for my prosaic and gray existence escape from the outside problems and a poison to my organic mind and decaying system
I built this to runaway from dried laurels and parched roses that is scattered on my "life" .
Pls. dont forget to sign on my GUESTBOOK <BLOODY PAPYRUS>.Your words would mean that I am not alone in this abyss of torment. Pls.put your comments on <like or hate my site?>Thanks! enjoy your stay.Bonne chance Last updated on
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