-~~paragon of delusion~~-
alter ego


dissected me | icy dale | verses of orcus | verses by the styx | acrimony | black papyrus | ~graveyard~ | fallen angel | empty | alter ego | ode to the world | the paradox the illogical | cerebral juices | the ~home~ | portals | wire me | offal

the other side

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The Man in The Mirror

are abominable as you are weak.The so called humanly errors and for using it as an excuse.An excuse for your "fallible mistakes".I dont like the way you look at me, in your eyes ,there seems to be a portal to Hades.YOu smile as if you are luring an angel to sin.You You have been through a dreadful ordeal and walked-out a loser.So what?Do you expect pity?YOu are weak and nothing but a lump of dirt.A clod that was washed away in the sea of nothingness.A sea of shallow feeling and emotions.Emotional fuckwit, you let go of your ideals and got caught up in the wave of temptation and sink.That's you the sunken failure.You said you are of good mettle.You once aimed to be the best, but what happened? Surely that best part of you wsnt taken away by you arch enemies.If so then you really are nothing.Or maybe you let them do what they desire to your "vulnerability".You dont and you cant fight because you are weak..A loser.
I know you are still licking for your wounds and searching for youtr lost soul that had left you since the day of your farewell to the word Innocence.Innocence that sheltered you from the pricks and thorns of this cut throat
world.You think the world trampled over you.
Hey'clod whats your purpose in this "life"of yours?

A Return to Innocence

now i am clean

as once

I had been

now all i see

are white

lofty walls

now all i feel

are the silky softness

of spaces

now i am free

free from the

muck and dirt

now all i see

are angels

and smiling cherubs

now i can fly

forward the yellow skies

now all i feel

is eternal peace

once innocent

now gliding back

to innocence.


The Raven's Reply

Once i told you
"Someday you'll be a swan"

i see that you
are already one
the ugly duckling
has now pupated
to be a majestic swan

so exquisite
were your fluffs
and your
ethereal crown

your graceful
and lithe body

so beautiful
were your self
now that you're
a swan...
a beautiful one

But I guess
have to
face the mirror
to see
to know
to feel
that the ugly duckling
is now
a majestic swan

And that swan
would forever
be a swan
because the ugly one
is long gone.

Please don't
break yourself
can't you see
the swan is still
the majestic swan
the fine
gossamer of feathers
is not gone
with the passing time

don't worry
heed no fear
because there
will always
be a sun
to shine
on your
being as a swan...

now there's
a name for this swan
"Utopian Swan"
that would be it
so perfect.

dance and glide
now that a
you are.

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