
dissected me | icy dale | verses of orcus | verses by the styx | acrimony | black papyrus | ~graveyard~ | fallen angel | empty | alter ego | ode to the world | the paradox the illogical | cerebral juices | the ~home~ | portals | wire me | offal
-~~paragon of delusion~~-
cerebral juices

acumen, trickling juices of the mind

The Mountain and the Moon

Once there was a mountain,where mere creatures thrive.That mountain offers the moon to the astonished creatures.Every dark night the creatures would marvel at the far, far thing in the dark sky.Those creatures are starry eyed when that luminiscent thing surfaces.That they dance revel and celebrate in bacchanal frenzy.

At last! those creatures stopped existing as a mere creatures but as a man.A man who made several ND PERFECT REPLICA OF THAT SPHERE.Stones that has the same white surface that glitters everytime a ray of light strike it.Perfect because when there is no sun the moon escapes from man's view.They capture moon into an earthen bowl with water by night its there , and the morrow its gone.

Soon that man began fancying themselves as civilized and modern.They sweated their efforts all day and all night to grasp their moon on their perfumed hands.They framed it on a canvass and captured it on a thin sheet of cvolored papaer.THey said they know love and they are a master of it.Yes, they know and love for oneself.Vanity.That is why they say say that they can,they made use of every possible source of power, to get to their moon.They tried cracking fires to bring them to their moon.And they succeed.

Soon montain become from green to brown.And only the mere creatures came to live there.The verdant growth began to dwindle and little by little began to rot and stink.The hill is now a heap of odius mess.

The moon is still there unchanged , not one single crater,and the mountain gone.But a heap has been rising to reach that orb of desire.

Fear and Threat

If onl;y fear and threat are dispensable things then we might as well as get rid of it.
But it is not...It is there and it exist.A graffitti sprayed on our back...it spells uncertainty and worries.
Threat of things going bleak...no warning.

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